The Oxford Diocesan Bucks School Trust-Governors’ Briefing Pack

16 f. What would happen to SEN provision? We would continue to provide the same support for pupils with an ECHP and for those in receipt of SEND top up funding and indeed the funding for this element continues to be provided by the Local Authority. The Local Authority retains its responsibility for statutory duties, obligations and procedures remain in place when a school converts to academy status. g. How does the ODBST monitor standards and on what evidence are judgements made? We use the Ofsted handbook to judge pupil outcomes and Ofsted processes to ensure that this is backed up by the work and teaching seen in school. We use a central tracking system in our schools to ensure that our training and CPD for teachers, leaders and support staff has a common vocabulary and we support leaders and governors in their vital role of holding the school to account for the progress pupils make. The DfE uses end of key stage assessment outcomes to measure and hold to account Trustees for the outcomes of their schools and we would expect governors to similarly understand the information in Raise Online and understand how it may be reflected in judgements made on the overall effectiveness of the school. The ODBST will have ultimate accountability for the performance of each school, not the LGB, although robust monitoring and support will be expected from everyone involved.