18 the MATs. g. How would we get a capital building project carried out? The ODBST is part of a pooled capital funding scheme coordinated through the Oxford Diocesan Board of Education (ODBE) and is awarded an annual allocation from the Department for Education. This is allocated to schools on the basis of our condition surveys. Our condition survey will be updated as part of the conversion process. Being part of the ODBST which has more than 5 schools and will have more than 3,000 pupils, additional capital projects which will serve all schools will be made possible. h. As a school, we were left money in trust. We are working on plans which would use much of that money, but what effect would joining ODBST have on our ability as a governing body to choose how that money is spent? Any money left in trust to a school, remains in trust and under the ownership of the trustees. Conversion would have no impact on how it is spent. ODBST would only seek to reassure itself that the company’s good name or reputation was not compromised by the actions or decisions of trustees of any private fund. i. Would this have any impact on our funding from the ODBST? Not on the base funding – however if there were any decisions made by private fund trustees to, for example fund an employee, ODBST would expect any such payment to be made through the school’s payment mechanisms and so vectored through the school’s main bank account. j. Can you advise us of the tender process which ODBST undertakes for contractors/suppliers? In most cases this is a local decision – however for core processes (i.e., payroll) we undertook a classic tender process with board level decisions. In some cases, schools are beginning to want to explore joint/shared procurement and officers would use leadership briefings to explore these areas with our schools. The core package of ODBE support is included within the ODBST service charge. k. What is ODBST policy on selling school assets...e.g., playing fields? Any assets are on lease to ODBST only, so we have no power to sell them.