The Oxford Diocesan Bucks School Trust-Governors’ Briefing Pack

2 Information pack for schools and academies thinking about joining the Oxford Diocesan Multi Academy Trust (ODBST) 1. ODBST - who we are 2. ODBST vision, values, and summary of our priorities 3. ODBST - How we operate 4. Academisation frequently asked questions and answers 5. School Improvement frequently asked questions and answers 6. Finance frequently asked questions and answers 7. Human Resources frequently asked questions and answers 8. Governance frequently asked questions and answers Appendices 1. Appendix 1 – Summary of ODBST scheme of delegation and governance structure 2. Appendix 2- Our Member and Trustee profiles 3. Appendix 3- ODBST’s unique selling points 4. Appendix 4- ODBST’s growth plan which shows how we can accommodate your application to join our family of schools 5. Appendix 5 -ODBST’s Shared Services Team support for our schools