25 For transparency, the names of the Trust’s Members and Trustees are published on the ODBST website: Oxford Diocesan Bucks Schools Trust - Members and Trustees (odbst.org.uk) Committees The Scheme of Delegation is a key governance document because without it, it is not clear how accountability and decision-making works within the trust. This is why the Academy Trust Handbook requires it to be published on the Trust’s website. It is especially important that maintained schools joining academy trusts take time to understand the Scheme of Delegation so that they are clear about the ODBST’s approach to local governance and which functions are delegated. The Trust Board’s Scheme of Delegation (SoD) is reviewed annually and sets out what the Board has opted to delegate to its committees and executive/senior leaders. This is on the understanding that they will carry out their delegated duties strictly in line with committee terms of reference (Appendices B-D) and the Scheme of Delegation Matrix (Appendix A) and to maximise effectiveness, efficiency and impact from the Trust’s governance arrangements. The Trust Board has absolute discretion to alter or withdraw any provisions of the Scheme of Delegation for individual schools and any delegated duties exercised must be reported back to the Trust Board via the committee meeting minutes and annual reports. Effective relationships and two-way communication to/from the Trust Board and its committees are also facilitated through termly Chairs’ forum meetings as well as ODBST Governance Collaborative Professional Development events and webinars. All policies referred to in this scheme of delegation relate to the current policies stored in the ODBST Policies SharePoint and/or published on the website Oxford Diocesan Bucks Schools Trust - Policies (odbst.org.uk) The Trust Board takes out indemnity insurance annually to protect those working in it, or on behalf of it, from civil or criminal proceedings where they are acquitted by the court from liability for negligence, default, breach of duty or breach of trust in relation to the affairs of the Trust. This includes the Trust Board and all Trust Committees, including LGBs. In addition to having Local Governing Bodies for each school, the Trust Board has two Trustee committees- Finance, Revenue, Audit, Pay and Personnel (FRAPP), which undertakes the legal responsibilities of audit, and the School Effectiveness Committee (SEC). The Terms of Reference for FRAPP and SEC are found at Appendices C and D. As with all committees, the Trust Board has the power to change the constitution and powers of its committees at any time, and this includes the membership of those committees too. Key Principles of Delegation (Sept 2022).