The Oxford Diocesan Bucks School Trust-Governors’ Briefing Pack

Page | 30 C. COMPLIANCE Duty HEAD LGB CEO TB Members 1. Agree Articles of Association Consult Consult Recommend Approve 2. Appoint the Trust’s financial auditors on an annual basis Consult Recommend Approve 3. Trust annual report Perform Approve Monitor Scrutiny 4. Annual cycle of business for Trust Board Recommend Approve 5. Annual cycle of business for Local Governing Bodies Consult Recommend Approve 6. Use of LGB half termly agenda template as provided Perform Perform Recommend Scrutiny 7. Provision of LGB draft minutes to Trustees within 14 days Perform Perform Monitor Scrutiny 8. Scheme of delegation: Vary individual school schemes of delegation where additional support is required-see detail of special provisions on p24 Consult Consult Recommend Approve 9. Remove/ amend make-up of LGB Consult Consult Recommend Approve 10. Funding Agreement – comply with all obligations including the Academy Trust Handbook Perform Perform Perform Monitor Perform Scrutiny 11. Regulatory comply with all regulations affecting the Trust (including all charity law, company law, employment law and health and safety) Perform Perform Perform Monitor Perform Monitor Scrutiny 12. Financial controls – implementation of appropriate financial controls and policies so that there is regularity, probity and value for money in relation to the Perform Perform Perform Monitor Approve Monitor Scrutiny