Page | 31 management of public funds 13. Register of business interests, conflicts of interest and connected/ related party transactions Perform Perform Perform Monitor Perform Monitor Perform Scrutiny 14. Growth of the Trust - consider requests from other schools to join the Trust Recommend Scrutiny Approve Scrutiny 15. Compliance with statutory requirements, such as H&S, Fire Management, Safeguarding and Information, Governance and Data Protection Perform Perform Perform Monitor Perform Scrutiny Scrutiny 16. Develop and ensure oversight of all ODBST buildings and property matters (liaison with ODBE where appropriate) Perform Perform Monitor Scrutiny 17. Appoint a Trust Senior Leader as Designated Safeguarding Lead to ensure compliance with child protection legislation via implementation of the Trust’s Child Protection legislation Recommend Perform Approve 18. Appoint a safeguarding lead Trustee Recommend Approve 19. Appoint a SEND lead Trustee Recommend Approve 20. Appoint a SEND local governor to ensure to ensure impact is evident in pupil outcomes from the implementation of the SEND Approve Perform Scrutiny Monitor