The Oxford Diocesan Bucks School Trust-Governors’ Briefing Pack

Page | 32 code of practice /policy/ EHC plans 21. Appoint a safeguarding local governor Approve Perform Scrutiny Monitor 22. Appoint a H&S local governor to ensure compliance with Trust H&S policies and practices, and appropriate risk assessments are carried out by leaders and external advisers Approve Perform Scrutiny Monitor 23. Approve Admissions policy and/or arrangements (e.g PAN, age) in line with School Admissions and Appeals Code Consult Recommend Approve Monitor 24. Ensure compliance with GDPR and Trust’s data protection policy and procedures Perform Perform Perform Monitor Scrutiny Perform 25. Policies (statutory Trust-wide policies) Perform Perform Recommend Approve 26. Policies- specific school policies Perform Approve Monitor Scrutiny 27. Publish annual strategy and impact reports for grant funding e.g pupil premium and sports premium Perform Approve Monitor Scrutiny 28. Convene local governors for any panels required i.e pay, exclusions, disciplinary, capability, complaints, appeals Recommend Approve Monitor 29. Self-evaluate Trust Board performance and impact annually Recommend Perform Scrutiny