The Oxford Diocesan Bucks School Trust-Governors’ Briefing Pack

4 2. ODBST vision, values, and summary of our priorities “Empowering our unique schools to excel” Each of our schools has a unique character of its own and we will work to ensure that this vision embraces all our pupils and adults, regardless of background and belief. We empower our schools to deliver a broad, enriched, and exciting curriculum, coupled with a shared zest for life and learning. We have identified 4 core values: Inclusivity, Community, Service, Empowerment that resonate with what we believe the ODBST Learner, and Leader should follow and live by. They reflect the values that are central to our schools and the diocese. Through our values, we aim for excellence for everyone in our Trust. Building on the uniqueness of our pupils, families, and school communities, we strive to enable everyone to develop and thrive intellectually, socially, culturally, and spiritually. We aspire for every pupil and adult to ‘experience life in all its fullness.’ (John 10:10) Our ODBST values in action Our inclusivity value will be seen in action when our differences become our strength and achievement. Our community value will be seen in action when pupils and adults are learning, loving, achieving, and flourishing together. Our service value will be seen in action when pupils are seeking the common good in all that they do. Our empowerment value will be seen in action when our pupils are able to say, ‘I am special because…and I am learning to excel at…’