Page | 35 D. SCHOOL IMPROVEMENT HT LGB CEO TB Members 1. School Development Plan Priorities Recommend Perform Approve Monitor Approve Monitor Scrutiny 2. All schools are compliant with statutory arrangements endorsed by the Trust Perform Perform Monitor Monitor Scrutiny 3. Deliver support to Looked AfterChildren and Previously LookedAfter Children Perform Monitor Monitor Scrutiny 4. To implement SEND policy Perform Monitor Perform Monitor Scrutiny 5. To ensure the public sector equality policy objectives are met Perform Monitor Perform Monitor Scrutiny 6. Maintain accurate, effective and secure pupil records Perform Monitor Perform Monitor Scrutiny 7. C of E schools only: ensure the Christian ethos and distinctiveness is evident in the school’s published curriculum statement and provides strong links and partnership with the church at parish and diocesan levels Perform Perform Monitor Scrutiny Scrutiny Scrutiny 8. Curriculum intent, implementation and impact Perform Monitor Approve Monitor Scrutiny 9. Early Years curriculum in line with Early Years Foundation Stage (EYFS) framework Perform Monitor Approve Monitor Scrutiny 10. Ofsted: ensure schools are inspection ready. Perform Monitor Monitor Perform Scrutiny 11. SIAMs: ensure schools are inspection ready. Perform Monitor Scrutiny Scrutiny 12. Setting/agreement of pupil targets and outcomes Perform Monitor Approve Monitor Scrutiny 13. Provide accurate / reliable assessment data of pupils’ Perform Monitor Monitor Scrutiny