Page | 41 ODBST Staff application form. The Head of Governance will confirm the appointment in a letter of welcome, on behalf of Trustees, with the term of office beginning on the date of the election. Parent 2 2-3 2 4 years No change in the current procedure: elected by parents, following which the candidate will fill out the ODBST Parent application form. The Head of Governance will confirm the appointment in a letter of welcome, on behalf of Trustees, with the term of office beginning on the date of the election. In the case where the number of parents standing for election is less than the number of parent governor vacancies, Trustees may appoint a Parent Governor, following the same procedure for the appointment of Skills governors. *former VA schools to have 75% Foundation Governors **former VC schools to have 25% Foundation Governors The Trust Board appoints the Local Governing Body Chair, or Co-Chairs: appointment will run concurrent with the governor’s term of office. LGBs should advise the Head of Governance of their nominated candidate for Chair, and this will be put to Trustees for appointment, and confirmed in writing. Subject to remaining eligible to be a governor, they may be re-appointed as Chair. The LGB appoints its own Vice-Chair annually. All LGB members on appointment are required to give a written undertaking to the Trustees, Site Trustees (where appropriate) and ODBE to uphold the Object of the Company (see Articles, paragraph 4): the governor application form includes this declaration. Where a vacancy occurs in any governor category, Trustees must be informed of this immediately by either the LGB Chair or local governance professional. All governors are required to uphold the LGB Code of Conduct, Articles of Association and provisions of this scheme of delegation and stand by decisions made as a collective. Additional Trust-appointed governors (though not including employees of the Trust) who have the necessary skill set will be considered in exceptional circumstances where the Trust decides that the LGB requires additional capacity. These governors will be known as Co-opted Governors and will be appointed by Trustees for a period up to four years. The procedure for co-opting an additional governor will be via discussion with the LGB Chair and submission of the Co-opted Governor application form. Trustees will make the decision to appoint such governors following this process. The appointment will be confirmed in writing. (Please note that LGBs have permission to bring additional members beyond the LGB onto the Resources Committee, without having to formally co-opt- see below). Special Provisions Trustees wish to leave day-to-day local governance to LGBs when they are operating effectively. However, where local governance requires support and improvement, Trustees may decide to take responsibility from LGBs for certain items within the Matrix of Delegation, and may vary the matters delegated where, for example: • The LGB acts outside its delegated powers and limitations. • The LGB is in breach of these terms of reference.