Page | 42 • The LGB is unable to fulfil its role and responsibility as defined in the scheme of delegation. In these circumstances, LGBs will be provided with a varied scheme of delegation, setting out those areas for which the Trust has taken control and will provide support. In the event of serious weakness and ineffective local governance, Trustees may decide to disband the LGB and replace it with a Trust Board appointed Interim Education Committee (IEC). Examples of circumstances where this may occur may be: • The school has a financial reserves deficit in excess of £50k. • Standards are below floor standards/ consistently low and lack evidence to show improvement. • Governors do not demonstrate the skills and attributes to perform their collective role effectively. • The curriculum fails to provide for a broad and balanced education. • A serious failure in safeguarding or Health and Safety compliance has occurred. These lists are illustrative only and shall not limit the rights of Trustees to suspend or remove any or all of the matters delegated where there are concerns. Reporting • The Headteacher is responsible for reporting all operational matters to the LGB. • The local governance professional is to ensure minutes are shared with the Head of Governance within 14 days of the LGB meeting (with the Chair and Headteacher having first agreed the draft). • LGB governors are to be invited to termly/ half termly (depends on school categorization) school improvement visits (Note of Visit meetings) led by the Director of Education, or their representative. • The Chair is to promote a two-way flow of communication between the Trust Board and LGB by attending the Chairs’ Forum meetings three times a year (or nominating the Vice-Chair to attend in their place) and by sharing information produced for LGBs by the Trust, such as through regular two weekly Leadership Updates etc. Quorum and Meeting Frequency LGBs shall meet formally for full LGBmeetings six times per year. Aminimumof three governors including either the Committee Chair or Vice-Chair, is required to be quorate. The LGB may decide to establish a separate Resources committee, meeting a minimum of three times per year. Where this is a separate sub-committee, membership may include those who do not also serve on the LGB, provided that a majority of the members of this sub-committee are appointed members of the LGB (in accordance with the membership table above) or Trustees. The terms of reference for the Resources Committee are detailed below. It is for the LGB to determine who shall be entitled to vote in the proceedings of the sub-committee. Decisions of the committee shall be taken by a majority vote of committee members, with the Resources Committee Chair having a casting vote. There is no expectation that LGBs have further sub-committees beyond Resources. However, if they wish to do so, this is a local decision. They may, however, have to establish/convene other panels periodically when required i.e. pay, exclusions, disciplinary, capability, complaints, appeals. Decisions of the committee shall be taken by a majority vote of governors, with the Chair having a casting vote. Terms of Reference – LGB meetings Approve the school’s vision and ethos (aligned with the Trust’s vision, ethos, and values). 1. Monitor/evaluate the school’s educational performance against the SDP KPIs and ODBST Risk Register,