The Oxford Diocesan Bucks School Trust-Governors’ Briefing Pack

Page | 46 4. To recommend to the Board annual budgets and three-year financial plans proposed by Headteachers and LGBs of ODBST schools. 5. To recommend to the Board the ODBST central budget and five-year financial plan, proposed by the Chief Finance Officer. 6. To recommend to the Board the composite ODBST annual budget and three-year financial plans, for submission by the Chief Finance Officer to the ESFA. 7. To recommend to the Board the financial projections which underpin the Trust’s Strategic Plan. 8. To consider reports and funding proposals from the trust’s School Effectiveness Committee and from the Chief Executive and/or any other committee or working party of ODBST. 9. To consider and explore all means of external finance available to the Trust. 10. To consider expenditure at levels which exceed the Chief Finance Officer’s delegated level of authority, and to authorize to the delegated limits of the Committee or recommend to the Board (See Annex A of the Internal Financial Procedures Manual and the School’s Scheme of Delegation). 11. To consider regular budget monitoring reports, including monthly monitoring reports as required by the ESFA and periodic strategic financial projections prepared by the Chief Finance Officer, and to submit reports to the Board on the budget position, together with any proposed corrective action to address significant variances between expenditure and budget. 12. To review, where it is available, financial benchmarking to compare expenditure with similar schools, and to advise the Board where appropriate. 13. To recommend to the Board all regulatory financial documentation required by the funding agencies or other government agencies. 14. To determine the Trust schools’ admissions arrangements, in line with the agreed Trust policy and the statutory requirements and to advise the Board of the outcome. 15. FRAPP to be made aware of Admissions appeals at schools, with the LGB handling this locally. 16. To maintain a register of business and pecuniary interests for Trustees and Trust Members and ensure that a register is maintained at a local level for LGB governors, both with the support of the Trust’s Head of Governance. 17. To review annually all insurance arrangements for the Trust. 18. To receive reports from the Internal/External auditor following each monitoring visit. To consider Auditors’ recommendations, and the executive’s responses to them, and to oversee the implementation of such recommendations as are approved by the Committee. 19. To recommend the annual review of Internal/External auditors to the Board, prior to the AGM. 20. To recommend the triennial appointment of Internal/External Auditors to the Board. 21. To recommend the annual Audit Plan to the Board. 22. To approve and oversee the Business Continuity Plan, as proposed by the Chief Executive Officer. 23. To review the Risk Register on at least an annual basis, and the High Level Risk Register at every meeting. 24. To agree the Annual Report and Accounts (in accordance with DfE/ESFA, Companies Act and Charity Commission requirements, as prepared by the Chief Finance Officer and Auditors) for approval by the Board and AGM and approve the procedure for their submission. Property and other areas 25. To ensure that the Trust has a planned site maintenance and development programme strategy for the schools within the Trust, with appropriate timescales and costs. 26. To recommend to the Board updates to the Trust’s Health Safety Policy. 27. To oversee the operation of the Health & Safety Policy with respect to centrally-employed staff. 28. To oversee the Health & Safety action plans of the individual school and ensuring that the Trust takes all reasonable steps to comply with the Health and Safety at Work Act (1974) and related legislation. 29. To recommend the appointment of Property Services providers to the Board. 30. To oversee and monitor property services contracts, implementing the planned site maintenance strategy on behalf of the Board. 31. To oversee and monitor property services contractors implementing new build capital projects in the