The Oxford Diocesan Bucks School Trust-Governors’ Briefing Pack

Page | 47 Trust’s planned development programme and strategy. Pay and Conditions 32. To consider on behalf of the Trust external directives with the potential to affect the pay and conditions of the Trust’s staff and make recommendations to the Board. 33. To review the salaries of centrally employed staff each year, taking account of any recommendations made by officers of the Trust in respect of the annual appraisal process. 34. To review and recommend to the Board changes to the pay policy, having taken appropriate consultation through the Trust’s consultative mechanism. 35. To establish arrangements and monitoring facilities to achieve the aims of the Trust’s pay policy in a fair and equitable manner. 36. To oversee and monitor the application of the criteria set out in the Trust’s pay policy in determining matters relating to the pay of centrally employed staff. 37. To consider and approve recommendations for discretionary payments. 38. To consider and approve changes to job grading for existing/new posts. Personnel 39. To recommend to the Board updates to any pay and personnel related statutory and other policies to be adopted across all the Trust’s schools- e.g. - e.g. appraisal, disciplinary, equality. 40. To approve a procedure for establishing appointment panels, where required, for staff at Headteacher and Deputy/ Assistant Headteacher level. 41. To advise the Trust on the implication(s) of any changes in employment legislation affecting its operation and activity. 42. To receive, consider and approve changes to the management structure of the Trust’s schools. 43. To be notified of any disciplinary/grievance, and provide support as appropriate, as set out in the relevant Trust policies. 44. To hear appeals against dismissal, as set out in the Trust’s policies. With respect to Other Matters 45. Self-evaluate the committee’s own effectiveness and impact on Trust's performance annually. 46. In exceptional circumstances, for example where the ODBST Calendar of Meetings indicates that there is no immediate meeting of the SEC Committee or the Full ODBST Board, policies that are normally the responsibility of these bodies may be considered, reviewed and approved by the FRAPP subject to the agreement of the appropriate SEC or Full Board Chair. 47. Taking urgent decisions: clearly it is best that all decisions are taken collectively by the Board or its Committees. However, there may be circumstances where an urgent decision needs to be taken but it is not possible to convene a meeting of the Board or its Committees or hold a quorate meeting. In most cases, urgent decisions will be possible through email agreement with the item being emailed to all members of the Board or Committee and the Clerk, and agreement or otherwise being emailed (reply all) so that all members can take part in the discussion and the outcome noted by the Clerk to the Board. However, the Chair (or in the absence of the Chair, the Vice Chair) of the full Trust Board or any of its Committees has the authority to take urgent action on matters that are delegated to that Board or Committee between meetings, where the delay in exercising a function is likely to be seriously detrimental to: • the interests of the Trust • a school • pupils or parents/carers at a school • or employees of the Trust.