Page | 48 All such actions should be reported to the next meeting of the relevant Committee or Full Trust Board by the Chair or Clerk and noted in the minutes. Terms of Reference for School Effectiveness Committee (SEC) To ensure the Trust Board maintains robust oversight of the quality of education, both academic and spiritual, provided across the Trust, it has delegated responsibility to the School Effectiveness Committee (SEC) to deal with any matter falling within its terms of reference. With regards to School Improvement, to additionally ensure that Christian distinctiveness is upheld in church schools and permeates all aspects of school improvement. With regards to Curriculum and Ethos, to ensure that the distinctive Christian values of ODBST are upheld and supported in its schools and through SIAMS. Membership The Trust Board appoints the committee’s membership which is composed of a minimum of three Trustees who possess the skills, knowledge and experience required to fulfil the committee’s delegated remit effectively. The committee may co-opt additional non-voting members to provide specialist skills. The committee may make recommendations for these appointments. The number of Trustees must exceed the number of co-opted members. Employees should not be committee members. The Trust Board appoints the committee Chair for a two-year term of office. An outgoing Chair may stand for re-election. The committee appoints its own Vice-Chair annually. Reporting • The Director for Education is to attend the committee’s meetings and report as the responsible officer for educational improvement across the Trust’s academies. The Chief Executive Officer may attend the committee’s meetings and participate in discussions. The CEO and DE are not committee members and have no voting powers. The Committee may ask the CEO/DE to withdraw and/or invite other staff/advisers to attend to assist it with any issue(s) it wishes to discuss. • The committee Chair is to formally report to the Trust Board after each meeting. • A Clerk is appointed to the committee, who will produce minutes of all meetings to be circulated with the agenda and papers of the next following full ODBST Trustees’ meeting. Quorum and Meeting Frequency This Trust committee shall meet at least three times per year and a minimum of three Trustees (including either the Committee Chair or Vice-Chair) is required to be quorate. The Trust Board or CEO may ask to convene further meetings if they want the committee’s advice on any issue(s). No vote on any matter may be taken unless a quorum is present. The Chair has a casting vote. With respect to School Improvement 1. To ensure Christian distinctiveness is upheld and permeates all aspects of school improvement. 2. To ensure and review the regular evaluation of schools’ attainment, pupil progress, attendance and general improvement via termly reports from the Director of Education. 3. To ensure school targets are appropriately set to maximise attainment and pupils’ progress. 4. To evaluate the schools’ performance through a range of measures including their own SEF, Ofsted and SIAMs reports, ensuring appropriate action is planned and taken, in order for the school to meet agreed targets. 5. To ensure that all reasonable measures are taken to ensure that pupils’ SEND requirements are being