Page | 49 met, through annual SEND reviews, and including the effective deployment of Pupil Premium Grant. 6. To ensure that an appropriate, high- quality School Development Plan is written and in place and implemented and regularly monitored and reviewed at Local Governing Body level. E. 7.To support and encourage curriculum development, engaging with national guidance as appropriate. F. 8.To monitor the impact of any external partnerships commissioned by the Trust to support its schools (e.g. Oxford Brookes School of Education, Challenge Partners etc.) G. 9.To evaluate summative information on the performance of its schools comparing this to national benchmark figures. H. 10.To ensure that school improvement resources are properly prioritized. I. 11.To be made aware of school Exclusions and actions taken where necessary J. With respect to Curriculum & Ethos K. 12.To monitor the effectiveness and impact of partnerships between key stakeholders. 13.To support and monitor schools’ empowerment of children and young people particularly through pupil voice. 14.To monitor the effectiveness of school to home communication, with a focus on how effectively the school communicates its values to the parents and wider community, thereby ensuring quality communication through listening to parents in the community and responding to need. 15.To promote and develop and evaluate the effectiveness of links between schools and local parish churches (CE schools). 16.To monitor the pastoral care and safeguarding of children in schools. 17.To monitor how schools meet the needs of learners through their ethos and unique set of values and, for church schools, their distinctive Christian character. 18.To ensure that all ODBST schools are compliant with statutory safeguarding requirements and strategies. 19.To support and develop the Spiritual, Moral, Social and Cultural aspects of schools, including the provision and impact of collective worship. 20.To monitor personal development, behaviour and welfare outcomes for schools. 21.To provide Relationships Education, and Equality and Diversity Policies for schools, monitoring and reviewing their implementation. 22.To promote and develop links between schools and other faith organisations. 23.To monitor and critically evaluate the vision and values of the trust, ensuring effective communication of them to schools and other stakeholders. 24.To work collaboratively with the Diocesan Board of Education to support the fulfilment of its core aims and statutory responsibility for church schools. With respect to Other Matters 25. Self-evaluate the Committee’s own effectiveness and impact on Trust's performance annually. 26. In exceptional circumstances, for example where the ODBST Calendar of Meetings indicates that there is