The Oxford Diocesan Bucks School Trust-Governors’ Briefing Pack

Page | 57 b. What Next? A DfE- report, multi-academy trusts good practice guidance and expectations for growth offered advice and guidance for board’s wanting to expand and remain effective providers in the same position that ODBST finds itself in. Growth and development The report is clear that effective providers: a. have clear and realistic visions for the future size and structure of the MAT b. have conducted a thorough, review of its own effectiveness and readiness for growth and in particular has a clear view of the skills it will need in its next phase of growth and robust plans in place to fill any gaps through training or recruitment c. have worked on common information management and reporting standards and processes across all schools in the MAT to enable comparison and aggregation of data at board level Portfolio of schools d. In most reports on MAT growth it is seen as preferable to have a mixed portfolio of schools – specifically a balance of sponsored and converter projects. Chains with exclusively primaries also appear to find it tougher – although our local diocesan evidence shows that primary specialists can thrive e. When planning growth trustees consider the geography of the MAT, planning development in terms of clusters and understand the risks of adding isolated schools to chains People and leadership f. The leadership of high performing chains tend to be focused around strong, ambitious, and determined leaders with clear moral purpose – an appetite to grow is healthy but in ODBST is focused on delivering great outcomes for the schools in the trust first. g. Vision and purpose are well understood throughout the organisation h. Appointing trustees with strong commercial skills at board level is seen as crucial - the importance of these skills increases when chains grow beyond 4 - 5 and ODBST has an active board with a clear match of skills to need i. High performing trusts likes ODBST makes the most of cross-chain CPD and progression opportunities. This is particularly strong within the diocesan links j. As trusts grow beyond 5, a full-time financial director has been seen as essential and we have already recruited this person Governance and finance k. Clear accountability and governance are vital l. Proactive, innovative ways to achieve efficiencies m. Formulate a business model – capitalising on what others have done n. Keep the academy charge and central services under review o. Strong financial planning is vital. If you have very strong school improvement and nothing goes wrong you may be lucky for a while but cannot rely on this School improvement p. The initial phase of development has been prescriptive even with schools which are performing well – but the trust takes swift and assertive action with failing schools.