40 Appendix 5 -O T’s Shared Services Team offer ODBST enables school leaders to focus on the local needs of their school. School Improvement • A bespoke package of up to six school improvement support visits provided by ODBST Officers and advisers and consistent and robust data collection and monitoring. Visit 5 and 6 may be combined into one full day by two people for annual review and to determine next steps forward. • Schools at risk of underperforming get additional support which may be in the form of visits from ODBST officers, paid support from other ODBST schools or external specialist support. Schools underperforming have regular meetings with the Director of Education to monitor progress against key targets and to make sure that the right support is going into the school. • Brokering of leadership support gives our aspirant leaders the opportunity to work with other schools to gain experience while being supported by the central SI team. • Headteacher mentoring and coaching, including access to training courses run by ODBE. There are bespoke sessions for Headteachers and Deputy Headteachers, leadership meetings and a leadership conference. HUBs provide peer to peer leadership support. • Leadership support for OFSTED inspections. This includes website checks, time spent coaching and preparing HTs, practice phone calls, extra time spent in schools doing more work/spending more time with HTs, safeguarding checks, LGB preparation work, IRR reviews, being on site during the inspections when HTs have wanted it, working late into the evenings to support HTs between inspection days. • School Effectiveness Partner support for all Ofsted Inspections– this includes support for post inspection Statement of Action. • Compliance checks and contracts. • Professional learning and development including termly Subject Leader training and annual Leadership conferences for School Leaders and Governors. • Respond to central and local government consultations and provide support for schools to engage in these. • Develop and consult on statutory trust wide policies and provide guidance and templates on other policies for LGBs and support materials to ensure compliance of schools with statutory requirements. • Unlimited 1:1 telephone and email access to advice from experienced ODBST advisers. • Safeguarding checks, monitoring of safeguarding, purchasing of CPOMS. • Setting of Headteacher PM objectives and bi-annual review. Governance package • Provision of phone/e-mail support to clerks, governors and Headteachers in ODBST schools. • Provide guidance to local clerks on meeting structure, agendas, and other local governance templates. • Carry out reviews of governance/compliance as appropriate. • Provide guidance on the recruitment of new governors and support the processing of Trustee and foundation appointed governors.